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Volunteer Contract: TDP General + Prayer Guardian


We’re excited to continue working together, investing in another year of working to end the fight against human trafficking. This document will outline the details of your volunteer commitment in general and specific to the department(s) you are involved in.

1. Renewal of Volunteer Service

We’re happy to have you continue volunteering with us! Your volunteer role will renew on January 1st, 2025 and will run until December 31st, 2025 (or until either of us decides to end the agreement, as outlined below).

2. Your Role & Responsibilities

Your volunteer level/role is TDP General.

Your role is TDP General and Prayer Guardian.

 Please review the description and duties of this level below, to ensure that you understand and agree. 

As a TDP General Volunteer you are able to participate in any projects at our Tulsa Office,  and sign up for Campus Work Days. 

This role does provide limited access to our residential campus and involves no direct/unsupervised contact with our residents or nonresidential clients. 

As a Prayer Guardian you will receive a weekly prayer team email as well as any additional emergency prayer emails. You are also invited to attend the Prayer Team Meeting, every 2nd Tuesday of the month at 10am. 

Thank you for keeping up the great work and contributing to the mission of our organization!

3. Time Commitment

As a TDP General Volunteer, we ask that you commit to whatever amount of hours you are able to within the confines of this volunteer level. You will be receiving monthly reports from the Volunteer Coordinator’s office to help you keep track of how much time you are volunteering. 

4. Termination

At any time, you or The Demand Project can decide to end this agreement, with or without cause. If the termination comes from The Demand Project, we will reach out and schedule an Exit Interview to provide details and closure. If the termination comes from the Volunteer’s end, we do ask for a notice in writing to the Volunteer Coordinator’s Office as soon as possible. Please note, you are free to stop volunteering whenever you need to, and we can also choose to end the relationship if it’s no longer a good fit.

5. No Financial Compensation

As a Volunteer, you are agreeing to volunteer your time and skills without financial compensation. However, we may reimburse you for certain expenses if we’ve agreed to them beforehand (like travel costs or supplies).

6. Confidentiality

While volunteering with us, you may come across sensitive information. Signing this contract means you agree to keep that information private, both while you’re volunteering and after you finish with us.

7. Protocols: Health, Safety and Operations 

Due to the nature of our organization’s mission, we take our health, safety, and operational protocols very seriously. This is for the well being of all who work with us; including staff, volunteers and residents. By signing this contract, you are agreeing to acknowledge and respect all TDP protocols as they apply to you.

8. Indemnification and Liability

By signing this contract, you agree to hold The Demand Project harmless for any accidents or issues that may arise while you’re volunteering, except in cases of serious misconduct or negligence on our part.

9. Recognition and Appreciation

We appreciate all the time and effort put in by all of our volunteers! Always keep a lookout, as we have multiple appreciation efforts including but not limited to appreciation events, gifts, Birthday Cards, Anniversary Cards, etc. 

10. Miscellaneous Details

  • Governing Law: This agreement follows the laws of The State of Oklahoma.

  • Contract Changes: If any contract adjustments/changes need to be made, please contact the Volunteer Coordinator’s office prior to signing. 

  • Entire Agreement: This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof.

11. Acknowledgment

By signing below, you acknowledge that you have read and understood the terms and conditions of this Volunteer Renewal Contract and agree to abide by them.

This volunteer agreement is between The Demand Project and

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Date of the Agreement

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By tying your name you acknowledge and agree to the terms outlined above and are renewing your volunteer application with The Demand Project for 2025.

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