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  5. Claire Jobe
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A Message From Claire Jobe

Having been a house guardian in our residential program for children ages 11-17 for one year now. I can tell you that when it comes to recovery from sexual trauma there are some high highs and some low lows! Some weeks it feels like the lows are constant and we can't catch a break. But then the breakthrough comes, and miraculous transformation and healing takes place! My goal as a house guardian is to create a homelike environment that is full of love, security, peace, respect, and dignity. I want each resident to know that they are unconditionally loved and valued regardless of their family circumstances, choices they've made, current behavior patterns, and all the defensive coping mechanisms that comes from sexual assault and online exploitation. With time and consistency we are able to establish bonds of mutual trust, respect, and love. It is in this context of healthy relationship that they are able to lower their defenses, take the risk of vulnerability, and experience the freedom that comes from being seen with all their faults and flaws and being met with love, compassion, and value for who they are, rather than what they can do. Please join me in this transformative work of changing the world one survivor at a time! I invite you to partner with me financially and give the gift of healing and new life to these brave young women! With your support they are able to receive counselling, legal help, support in education, and most importantly, the freedom to dream again!


raised of $5,000 goal


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In Support of The Demand Project
The Demand Project exists to eradicate human trafficking, online enticement, child abuse sexual material, and the commercial sexual exploitation of children.

TDP’s strategy for fighting these crimes is the Prevention of victimization through awareness and education; the Protection of victims/survivors by providing access to quality attorneys, restorative justice, and pursuing civil litigation; to assist law enforcement with the Recovery of victims by providing Victim Advocate Support Teams; and the Restoration of survivors by empowering them to choose their own Journey to Freedom through the non-residential and residential Journey to Freedom Program.