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  5. Kristin Weis
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A Message From Kristin Weis

I've directly talked to almost 3000 kids so far this year about how to stay safe from online predators. The ages of kids range from 11 to 17 yrs old. When I ask who has a phone, they all raise their hands. When I ask how many of them have 24/7 access to their phones all but a couple raise their hands. When I ask them how many have restrictions from their parents, only a couple of kids raise their hands. When I ask how many of them have relationships online that their parents don't know about, almost every kid raises their hands. Guardians, Please take this serious! Who are you allowing in your child's life/bedroom by handing them a phone without restrictions? Child sexual predators are prowling online, looking for children to sexually exploit! Help us - help you - help your children!


raised of $1,500 goal


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In Support of The Demand Project
The Demand Project exists to eradicate human trafficking, online enticement, child abuse sexual material, and the commercial sexual exploitation of children.

TDP’s strategy for fighting these crimes is the Prevention of victimization through awareness and education; the Protection of victims/survivors by providing access to quality attorneys, restorative justice, and pursuing civil litigation; to assist law enforcement with the Recovery of victims by providing Victim Advocate Support Teams; and the Restoration of survivors by empowering them to choose their own Journey to Freedom through the non-residential and residential Journey to Freedom Program.